Terms and Conditions
Dogs must be vacinated when visiting, if your dog has a cough, sickness or diarrhoea 48 hours before a visit do not attend.
The Hirers will not and do not accept any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to any Users, their property, vehicles and/or contents, accessories or any other property whatsoever, caused by any dog, dog handler or other, whether caused by negligence, breach of contract or in any other circumstance.
If hiring the Facilities for a third-party User or multiple users, the person making the booking and signing this disclaimer will be taken to have explained the rules and conditions therein to the third-party User and will be responsible for the third-party Users behaviour, safety and adherence to these terms, especially with regards to the conditions concerning insurance provision. If an individual within a group breaks these terms the whole group may be asked to leave.
In using Facilities at the above premises, Users accept that they or their Responsible Adult have surveyed the Facilities and the ground conditions on and after arrival. Users must understand that they themselves, or their Responsible Adult are responsible for assessing the suitability of ground conditions and construction and maintenance of the Facilities. Users agree that by the Facilities use they find the Facilities, in their opinion, safe to use.
All Users or Responsible Adults must hold suitable public liability insurance if booking to give any type of lesson or instruction to others.
All person’s using the facilities do so at their own risk and the hirers will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss caused by or attributable to such.
To ensure safety and enjoyment dog numbers on the field at any one time may be limited.
In order to summon assistance in the event of an emergency. The OS grid reference for emergency services notification is - SK6770SE This grid reference will also be clearly marked at a point on the course.
All Users under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a Responsible Adult at all times, with no exceptions.
Users of the field are required to leave gates as they find them open at the top. When accessing from the road, the main access gate must always be closed. Always obey all other signage. Users are free to use the equipment, shelter and agility course provided, but do so entirely at their own risk. Agility equipment is solely for dogs, not for humans. Users are responsible for checking the condition and construction of each piece of equipment prior to use and when doing so must agree that it is safe to use prior to using it. Users must not climb on any equipment.
The field is situated on a shared access track, with horses to both sides, and as such dogs are permitted on a lead and under control at all times. Dogs remain the responsibility of their owner/handler at all times.
Please refrain from feeding our petting the horses at all times for your own safety, we do not accept any responsibility for any damage caused to you or your dogs by our own horses if handled, feed or petted.
The horses are behind a wooden post and rail fence, with stock wire and electric fencing on their side, for your own safety PLEASE do not touch fencing or horses.
The hirers cannot be held responsible for any accidents caused by or to any dog whilst on the premises.
All dog poo must be cleared by the owner/handler and disposed of in bin provided.
All Users must have the capability and skill to use the Facilities or be judged by their Responsible Adult to be able to do so in a safe manner.
Users must have full control of their dog at all times and respect all other Users if on a group booking with others using the Facilities at the same time.
Users must report any damage on leaving.
The Hirers have a right to remove any User or visitor that does not adhere to the rules and regulations highlighted within this disclaimer, and may do so without a refund of money. In these circumstances the Hirers decision will be final and un-contestable.
The Hirer reserves the right to amend/restrict access to, alter or entirely close the field at their discretion and if necessary, without notice. Any User or group hiring the Facilities is responsible for checking this website 24hrs prior to their visit in this regard, and any refunds for bookings made or refusal of such will be issued as per our cancellation policy on the website.
Cancelations will be refunded with a minimum 48hrs notice period only.
A copy of these conditions must be signed before you hire, or on the day on site if arranged in advance with Hirers.